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Produktové video odsávací rameno KEMPER s přírubovou odsávací hubicí v přehledu

Přehled o odsávacím ramenu a odsávací hubici KEMPER v jeho variantách a vlastnostech. Rameno se vyznačuje zvláště snadnou ovladatelností odsávacího ramena pouze jednou rukou a o 40 % vyšším stupněm zachycení přírubové odsávací hubice. 

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Explainer Video about particulate matter

PM10 is the international name for fine dust. PM stands for particulate matter. The dust particles are categorized using their aerodynamical diameter. Simplified this means: PM10 includes all particles which are smaller than 10 microns. Finer particles, which are smaller than 2.5 microns are thus PM2.5 and can reach the alveoli or air sacs. Most fine dust particles, however, are even smaller than that. Welding fumes, for example, consist mainly of ultrafine particles which are smaller than 0.3 microns. The smaller a particle, the further it can penetrate the body. Ultrafine particles reach the bloodstream via the air sacs and are thus harmful for all organs in the human body. In general, breathed in particles can cause severe damage over time including cancer, mainly of the respiratory tract.

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