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В нашем блоге вы найдете информацию о нормах законодательства и технических новшествах. Также мы участвуем в дискуссиях, которые ведутся в отрасли. Если говорить конкретно, мы рассказываем, например, о системах вентиляции помещений, вытяжных колпаках и вытяжных рукавах. Когда предприятиям следует использовать такое оборудование? Какой класс фильтрации нужен в том или ином случае? Почему растет важность выгрузки пыли без загрязнения окружающего воздуха?

Мы ведем свой блог по адресу www.safe-welding.com

Ниже приводим для вас последние записи блога:

Protective welding equipment concept for satisfied employees: Wimmer Hartstahl GmbH & Co. KG focuses on air pollution control 07/2020

Thanks to the KEMPER occupational safety concept with effective extraction technology, Wimmer Hartstahl GmbH & Co. KG not only ensures the protection of employee health, but also takes into account the needs of the employees. KEMPER shows how limit values can be maintained with a mixture of spot extraction and room ventilation.

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Mobile extraction units for professional welders: 8 criteria that define good entry-level models 07/2020

When buying a mobile extraction unit, for many welders the price also counts. But even inexpensive entry-level units provide effective protection for industrial welding applications. With comparable entry-level prices, even the basic equipment differs greatly in some cases. What mobile extraction units should already be able to do today.

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Dust limit values during welding: These values differ greatly around the world 06/2020

Occupational health and safety is an important topic not only in Germany. Internationally, too, the rules are gradually being tightened. One example of this is the UK, which is tightening its controls on dust limits in welding. But how are dust limits regulated worldwide and what are the differences?

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Air purification technology in times of the corona virus: Are general ventilation systems still applicable? 04/2020

Does the corona virus have an effect on air purification technology? This is a question safety officers are currently asking themselves: Does a general ventilation system in metal processing companies lead to viruses being able to spread even further in production? High filter efficiencies and the quality of the integrated filters indicate otherwise.

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VacuFil: The story behind the unique torch-integrated extraction system from KEMPER 03/2020

KEMPER has developed a unique system for torch-integrated extraction with the digital product variants of the VacuFil series. After numerous enquiries from users and torch manufacturers, KEMPER built up a torch database with key parameters. Read the story behind the latest development from the extraction technology specialist.

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Thanks to a comprehensive clean air concept: How Nobels B.V. managed to meet strict limits 01/2020

How are companies to comply with strict limits in the future? The clean air concept of the Dutch company Nobels B.V. shows how this can be done. The mix of different occupational safety measures brings added value in many ways.

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Рак из-за сварочного дыма? Теперь мы точно знаем, что это возможно! 12/2019

Во всем мире миллионы людей день за днем контактируют со сварочным дымом. Сегодня никто не подвергает сомнению тот факт, что содержащиеся в нем вещества опасны для здоровья, а некоторые даже могут вызывать онкозаболевания. В новой записи нашего блога по адресу arbeitsschutz-schweissen.de мы анализируем старые исследования и изучаем новейшие научные знания об этом.

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