
En nuestro blog Blog para procesadores de metales, distribuidores de equipos de soldadura, asociaciones profesionales, escuelas, soldadores y otros profesionales, todo gira en torno al importante tema de la protección laboral durante la soldadura.

El blog ofrece información sobre bases legales o innovaciones técnicas y recoge discusiones del sector. También se tratan temas concretos como, por ejemplo, la ventilación de interiores o las campanas y brazos de aspiración. ¿Cuando deberían usarlos las empresas? ¿Qué clase de filtro se debe emplear en cada caso? ¿Por qué es cada vez más importante una eliminación de polvo sin contaminación?

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Manganese in welding fumes causes symptoms similar to those of Parkinson's disease 01/2017

Welding with additives containing manganese promotes the occurrence of symptoms that are similar to those of Parkinson's disease. The higher the manganese content in the welding fumes, the more marked are the symptoms that arise. These are the findings of a recent study.

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Interview with a welder: “Irritation to the airways caused by welding fumes were part and parcel of the job.” 12/2016

Greater awareness about the dangers of welding fumes is needed. Occupational safety is often still poor despite the high risk potential. In this interview, the trained welder Tim Formell describes his experiences as a welder - surely not the general rule, but still a terrible example on how companies gamble with the health of their employees.

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Resistance welding: Risk from magnetic fields with little welding fumes 10/2016

Welding fumes are not the greatest risk from resistance welding. Magnetic currents created by the welding process pose a far greater threat to the health of employees.  Use of suction and filtering technology is therefore advisable, at least with a ventilation system. Welding oiled panels causes greater amounts of smoke.

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Occupational safety using screens: important for bystanders during welding 09/2016

Effective occupational safety in metalworking companies does not only make the welder’s work safer but improves the safety of every employee in the workshop. Radiation, noise and welding splatter also endanger bystanders around the workstation. Modern screening systems zone the welding workstations, protect against radiation reflections and are used as sight protection.

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Regulate extraction technology automatically: for more ease in the battle against welding fumes 08/2016

When considering extraction and filter technology, manufacturers do not only have to think about the protection of their employees against welding fumes or dust during welding, grinding or cutting.  Efficient operation is important for welding workshops when it comes to the plants in addition to consideration on how hazardous substances are captured and discharged. Automatic suction performance regulation also saves energy.

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Mobile, stationary, central: Extraction systems for welding fumes at a glance 04/2016

The needs of welders dictate the type of suitable extraction systems. This depends on various factors, such as the local conditions. Metalworkers basically have the choice between mobile and stationary devices or central systems for extracting welding fumes.

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Factors for the amount of welding fumes 02/2016

How much welding fumes created in any welding work depends on many factors: Not only the method and the materials used influence the amount of welding fumes.

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